7 Creative Giveaway Ideas to Promote Your Small Businesses this Holiday Season

Using creative giveaway campaigns guarantees that you, as a small business, take advantage of the holiday season's high spending mood. This article explores seven distinct and creative giveaway options, each tailored to the demands and limits of small businesses during the holiday season.

7 Creative Giveaway Ideas to Promote Your Small Businesses this Holiday Season

As the Yuletide season approaches, small businesses must think creatively about their marketing efforts. While small businesses sometimes struggle to compete with bigger organizations in marketing, one successful strategy they can employ to compete with the big brands, capture the Christmas spirit, and attract customers is through creative giveaway campaigns.

Using creative giveaway campaigns guarantees that you, as a small business, take advantage of the holiday season's high spending mood while building excitement among your existing customer base and recruiting new customers.

This article explores seven distinct and creative giveaway options, each tailored to the demands and limits of small businesses during the holiday season. Given the limited resources that small businesses frequently face, these solutions are both inventive and practical. These ideas range from utilizing social media platforms to adding festive themes to your products or services to boost interaction and awareness without breaking the bank.

7 Creative Giveaway Ideas to Promote Your Small Businesses this Period

Run Social Media Giveaways

Using your present social media platforms for giveaways is a simple and cost-effective approach. Because of the huge reach of social media, small businesses can instantly interact with a large audience. Organizing a giveaway on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter can boost your brand's visibility and encourage conversation.

These giveaways frequently require followers to do basic things like like a post, share it, tag friends, or use a certain hashtag. This not only improves your web visibility but also aids in the collection of valuable customer data and preferences. The ease of participation attracts a larger audience, resulting in increased engagement and possible viral spread of your campaign.

Related: How to Set Up A Giveaway On Social Media.

Run Creation Competitions

In a creation competition, you urge your audience to come up with something relevant to your brand or products. This might be anything from creating a fresh logo and a creative phrase to creating a video or a snapshot of your products. As participants devote time and effort to their submissions, such competitions promote creativity and engagement.

It's a terrific approach for generating user-generated content for future marketing campaigns. Offering appealing prizes for the top submissions can increase participation and make the competition more intriguing.

Related: How User-Generated Content Impacts Brand Awareness.

Website Entry Participation

Hosting a giveaway on your business's website can boost traffic and awareness with your online presence. Participants may join the contest by completing a form on your website, which could involve signing up for a subscription, making a purchase, or completing a survey.

This strategy increases website traffic and enables the collection of essential customer data, such as email addresses, for future marketing initiatives. To make the website entry more enticing, ensure that the procedure and website are simple to navigate.

Host Treasure Hunts

During the Yuletide season, treasure hunts provide a creative and engaging approach to connect customers with your small business. Creating a sequence of clues or challenges that bring people to different regions, either within your websites or across your digital platforms, is the idea behind this notion.

Each hint leads them closer to the 'treasure,' which might be a unique price, a gift, or a limited-edition product. This stimulates exploration and enjoyment while increasing foot traffic to your business and website. The clues and puzzles might be themed around the holidays to provide a festive touch, integrating features such as Christmas tunes, winter symbols, or Yuletide stories.

Promote the treasure hunt on social media, your website, and other digital spaces. This activity gives customers a memorable experience while also fostering a feeling of community around your business.

Host Digital Raffle Draws

A holiday season raffle is a fun and easy promotion tool for retailers. Customers participating in this event can get entry tickets with each purchase, rewarding large and small purchases to increase participation. The prizes might include special products, one-of-a-kind discounts, and gift cards.

Setting a set date for the raffle draw creates excitement and encourages frequent online store visits. Increase the holiday mood by giving prizes in holiday-themed packaging or adding concepts such as a Christmas-themed lucky draw.

The thrill of winning enhances the whole purchasing experience, encouraging higher customer engagement. Furthermore, holding the raffle online allows you to collect vital customer information for future marketing activities with their permission. This protects customers' privacy and allows for more targeted future marketing.

Run Feedback Survey

A feedback survey is an effective giveaway strategy that serves two purposes: gathering important consumer insights and allowing them to win a prize. A basic survey asking customers about their experience, preferences, or recommendations for improvement may be created by small businesses.

Email, social media, or QR code can easily distribute this poll. Customers can then join a drawing to win a festive-themed reward, discounts, or exclusive merchandise. This technique fosters customer involvement while also providing vital input to the business. It's a win-win situation where customers feel heard and respected while the business obtains actionable data to improve its services or customer experience.

Host Digital "Spin the Wheel" Contest

'Spin the wheel' is a fun, interactive giveaway concept that grabs people's attention immediately. Create a digital wheel with prizes like discounts, freebies, or special deals. Customers can spin the wheel after making a purchase or connecting with your business by subscribing to a newsletter or following your social media accounts.

Each section of the wheel has a distinct reward, guaranteeing that everyone wins something. This game-like experience encourages visitors to interact with your business by creating a fun and festive atmosphere. It's also an excellent tool for advertising specific products or services.

How to Set Up a Creative Giveaway Campaign Using Giveaway.com

Giveaway.com is a powerful marketing platform that enables you to run giveaway campaigns to increase user interaction and promote your business. It uses Provably Fair Algorithm technology to ensure that each giveaway's outcomes are fair and transparent.

Giveaway.com boosts your marketing efforts and ensures a successful campaign by combining the power of giveaways with the automated power of AI, which enables you to generate the appropriate giveaway titles, descriptions, and posters for your marketing campaign.

Organizing a creative giveaway campaign to create buzz around your brand this holiday season is simple with Giveaway.com. Sign up and create your project profile, select the giveaway mode, provide the essential details about the giveaway and how to participate, and create your holiday giveaway campaign.

Here is a boilerplate template for how a brand created a successful giveaway campaign in which participants were rewarded with a 50% discount for participating in the campaign and completing the tasks.

This creative giveaway rewards participants who complete the tasks with a 50% discount on every purchase from the brand. The tasks for participants to earn the reward are simple:

  • Visit the business website
  • Make a purchase by selecting an offer
  • Share the giveaway with others.

As you see in the image, this is a simple giveaway campaign that aims to increase brand awareness by offering the target market a 50% discount on their purchase once they complete the task stated above.

The campaign is a timed draw contest in which the prize can be manually distributed to participants who completed the task.

Easy, right?

Click here to set up a similar giveaway campaign to promote your business during this period.


These seven creative giveaway ideas will boost your small business's attractiveness and engagement throughout the holiday season. Each concept provides a distinct method of connecting with customers, resulting in a memorable experience that may lead to greater loyalty and sales.

Remember that the success of a giveaway campaign is determined not only by the concept but also by its execution. Consider using Giveaway.com, a comprehensive solution for automating and managing your giveaway campaigns, to ease this process and ensure maximum effectiveness. Giveaway.com's user-friendly layout and extensive tools may assist you in quickly organizing, tracking, and analyzing your giveaway activities.

Get started today!