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인기 경품 스폰서


Cwallet is the first-ever combined custodial & non-custodial crypto wallet, provides you security, convenience, and flexibility to manage and trade 800+ crypto assets in one place. It fulfills complex crypto integration needs of individuals or businesses through various tools and bots.


Accept C2B payments digitally with a fully flexible, intuitive, and customizable experience. Eliminating manual processes and transaction fees means faster time to cash, more control, and lower costs for your business.


Blockchain-powered giveaway tool revolution. 🚀 A reliable giveaway solution for your marketing success. Discover and participate campaigns&fun every day! 💎

Provably Fair
for all giveaways
블록체인 기반 경품 도구는 추첨 과정에 신뢰를 가져다줌으로써 콘테스트에 혁신을 불러일으킵니다. 모든 단계가 블록체인으로 보호되므로 위변조가 불가능한 결과를 통해 모든 참가자에게 공정성을 보장합니다. 모든 유형의 캠페인에 신뢰할 수 있는 솔루션을 제공합니다.
Hash AI Technology Limited | address: Unit 321B, Building 1W, Hong Kong Science Park | Certificate No.72625632-000-02-23-7